

Experts from across Europe meet in Trondheim to discuss integrated ecosystem assessments
13. June 2024

From 17-21 June, 85 transdisciplinary experts from 31 countries across Europe meet to discuss how to improve the uptake of scientific knowledge on ecosystem services by decision-makers in business and in policy. 

Towards a common approach to assess nature's contribution to tourism
28. May 2024

Researchers present a novel overview of ecosystem services assessment approaches related to nature-based tourism, with specific focus on monetary valuation methods. An important contribution towards development of harmonized methodologies, and uptake of ecosystem services information in planning and development processes. 

The World’s best method to capture and store carbon
8. December 2022

Nature does the job for us, for free.  But, in the search for good measures to compensate for man-made greenhouse gas emissions, carbon emissions from disturbance or loss of biodiversity caused by these measures are often not included in the calculation.

Footprint and Impacts of Renewable Energy: Pressure on Lands Under Growth
12. December 2021 Hydro-, wind- and solar power are key to green energy production, but future planning needs a better understanding of the tradeoffs among different options.
China and India dominate in greening the Earth
13. February 2019

A new study reports China’s planting of trees and India’s intensive crop cultivation as the main reasons why the Earth is greening throwing doubt on the role of carbon dioxide fertilization, which climate change skeptics have

Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean
5. July 2018

More than 7500 oil and gas platforms and wind turbines will become obsolete in the next few decades. Full removal may not be the best plan after all, according to new survey of international experts.

Standardization and facilitation of seabird data for use in impact and environmental risk assessments
2. July 2018

Old trees more important than pollarding for the diversity of lichen, fungi and mosses
14. December 2017

Pollarded trees have a higher diversity of lichen, fungi and mosses, but this may be due mainly to the high age of these trees

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Norsk institutt for naturforskning

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