Our dear colleague Ketil Skogen has passed away
24. April 2023

It is with huge sadness and shock that we have been informed that our colleague Ketil Skogen passed away suddenly on Saturday the 22nd of April 2023.

Kittiwakes find refuge on offshore oil rigs
19. November 2020

Offshore oil rigs serve as a breeding refuge for Norwegian Black-legged Kittiwakes. Although they are few in number, these birds produce more chicks than kittiwakes in natural colonies along the coast, to the benefit of the impoverished

Seabird experts in CAFF propose a new kittiwake conservation plan
4. November 2020

The Circumpolar Seabird Group under CAFF and the Arctic Council has proposed a conservation plan for the black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla, a species which has been declining severely

Palm oil certification brings mixed outcomes to neighbouring communities
2. November 2020

Sustainable certification of oil palm plantations can reduce poverty, but the timing of certification is among the factors that influence the effect.

Seabirds and kelp harvest – conflict or harmony?
18. September 2020

Foraging shags and commercial kelp harvesters very often utilize the same marine areas.

How efficient are mitigation measures for bird-friendly wind power?
14. August 2020

Simple measures can make wind turbines more bird friendly. New research shows that measures such as painting the rotor blades or towers, using UV-light and smart micro-siting of wind turbines, decreases the risk for bird collisions considerably.

Vultures respond to auditory cues
20. May 2020

Vultures and other avian scavengers characteristically circle the skies, scanning the ground for carcasses. New research has revealed that these birds can, in addition to sight, respond to auditory cues indicative of potential foraging opportunit

Is it possible to restore the wild ass to the central steppes of Kazakhstan?
16. April 2020

In a world where wild spaces are becoming fewer the central steppes of Kazakhstan uniquely contain hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of grasslands which represent an amazing opportunity for wildlife conservation. However, several of the

Puffins and razorbills choose different strategies in harsh winter conditions
2. January 2020

Puffins change their diet while razorbills seek out new foraging areas.

Animals take climate action
2. September 2019

Migratory animals are actively adjusting their traditions to climate change.

A ray of hope for the golden deer of Myanmar
29. May 2019

Developing state-of-the-art statistical tools that combine different sources of data has allowed researchers from Norway and Myanmar to make robust estimates of population size for an often-overlooked population of one of the world’s mo

China and India dominate in greening the Earth
13. February 2019

A new study reports China’s planting of trees and India’s intensive crop cultivation as the main reasons why the Earth is greening throwing doubt on the role of carbon dioxide fertilization, which climate change skeptics have

First estimates of body mass change between the breeding and wintering stage in Atlantic Puffins.
7. January 2019

By measuring body mass and wing length of adult Atlantic Puffins on their breeding grounds and in their wintering areas near the Faroe Islands, researchers have now estimated the seasonal changes in body mass for two populations breeding in Norwa

Environmental benefits of leaving offshore infrastructure in the ocean
5. July 2018

More than 7500 oil and gas platforms and wind turbines will become obsolete in the next few decades. Full removal may not be the best plan after all, according to new survey of international experts.

Standardization and facilitation of seabird data for use in impact and environmental risk assessments
2. July 2018

NINA Annual Report 2017
27. June 2018

NINA’s key statistics and activities throughout 2017. 

Mass mortality events of seabirds can have massive effects on populations
2. May 2018

Most seabirds have a long life span, delayed maturity andspread their reproduction across many years. This life history pattern makes seabird populations particularly sensitive to decreases in adult survival rates. Mass mortality events can there

Doctoral defence: seabirds and offshore windpower
2. March 2018

Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard defends her academic thesis as part of the doctoral work at the Norwegian University of Science (NTNU): Drivers of seabird spatial ecology – implications for development of offshore wind-power in Norway

Unusual evolutionary development in Leach’s storm petrels
28. February 2018

The genetic relationships between different populations of what was formerly known to belong to the species Leach’s storm petrel have been complicated for a long time. Researchers have now compared DNA from nearly 300 different individu

Flexibility in the foraging behaviour of the kittiwake may buffer the effect of marine environmental changes
30. January 2018

Recent Norwegian research shows that the black-legged kittiwake is surprisingly flexible when it comes to finding food for itself and its chicks. The ability to adapt makes this small gull robust to changes in the marine environment – t