

Visualizing Avian migration across Norway supporting sustainable coastal and offshore wind energy development (VisAviS) 

Mapping avian migratory flyways in Norway to support (strategic) environmental impact assessments, coastal and offshore wind-power plant siting with minimal costs for Life on land, and Blue Growth in general. 

The project will bring state-of-the-art knowledge on migratory flyway patterns to new dimensions and will provide the springboard for developing a dynamic visualization tool to spatially assess migration in near-real time to allow for timely responses to mitigate impacts of coastal and offshore wind energy development.

VisAviS will provide regulators, developers and other stakeholders with robust and transparent analytical tools that can be industrialized and implemented without delay, and facilitate the licensing and subsequent phases of a wind energy project.

The Robin Radar MAX radar system.

Mapping bird migration in time and space 

One major potential cumulative conflict between coastal and offshore wind energy development and wildlife arises from the large numbers of migrating birds crossing the North Sea and passing along the elongated Norwegian coastline twice a year between breeding and wintering areas. Although investigation of migratory flyways and risk assessments for migrating birds are supposed to be a part of environmental impact assessments, these are generally lacking or carried out poorly due to a lack of knowledge on migratory flyways, and therefore generally neglected in cumulative effect assessments by authorities. 

Because of the fast rate of offshore wind-power development it will be paramount to provide the required knowledge on seasonal migration patterns and movement patterns of birds to identify high-risk sites and forewarn operators. Such knowledge, and spatially explicit visualization of thereof, will also be able to identify particularly important areas that should be safeguarded from development. 

Mapping bird migration in time and space will thus be important to reduce conflicts with wildlife, as well as ensure a more environmentally friendly location of wind-power plants. In addition, it is absolutely necessary to ensure a sufficient quality of impact assessments before development.

Radar technology

VisAviS will use the latest radar technology to map migratory routes across Norway and adjacent seas. At the same time, the project will have the potential to develop a dynamic visualization application for spatial assessment of bird migration in near-real time so that measures to mitigate negative impacts can be implemented. 

Societal and industrial impact

  • Updated spatially explicit data on bird migration for environmental impact assessments, risk assessments and mitigation planning
  • Delineation of bird migration corridors to identify potential conflict areas for wind energy development onshore as well as offshore, and Blue Growth in general (e.g. avoidance areas, mitigation areas, no-risk areas)
  • Early-warning potential for mitigation actions at offshore structures (e.g. smart curtailment, dimming lights)