Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

Cooperation and expertise for a sustainable future

A seabird champion and a champion of seabirds
19. March 2025
When Norwegian journalists need an expert statement about any species of seabird, they are likely to call Tone Reiertsen. She is a veritable gold mine of information about auks and gulls, yet her academic career started with a very common little...
Less Outdoor Recreation in Forests After Clear-Cutting – Especially Near Cities
5. March 2025
The fitness app Strava provides insight into how forest clear-cutting affects Norwegians’ recreation activities. Experts argue that the value from recreation services lost due to clear-cutting exceeds the value of timber provisioning...
Why the study of deer poo in North Wales could shed light on the future of woodland conservation
12. February 2025

A study of deer poo in North Wales could shed light on the conservation of woodlands in the UK.



NINA Centre for Biodiversity Genetics

Restoration Ecology

Research on and implementation of restoration in aquatic and terrestrial habitats


Monitoring biodiversity and ecosystem change

Pink salmon

Monitoring the distribution of pink salmon in Norway

Wild Salmonids

Monitoring populations and ecosystems 

Ecosystem Services

Monitoring populations and ecosystems 

The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research, with broad-based expertise on the genetic, population, species, ecosystem and landscape level, in terrestrial, freshwater and coastal marine environments.

More about NINA


Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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