Conflict mapping
Frank Ole Hanssen
- Cartography, GIS and remote sensing
- Spatial modelling and analysis
- Tool development (ESRI ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, Google Earth Engine)
- Cloud computing (Google Earth Engine)
- Project management and counseling
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Roelof Frans May
- Conservation biology
- Spatial ecology
- Carnivore and raptor ecology
- Renewable energy and wildlife
- (Strategic) environmental impact assessments
- Ecological networks and habitat fragmentation
- Avian radar technology (MERLIN and ROBIN) and radar ornithology
- Project management and acquisition
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Sigrid Engen
Social justice
Protected area management
Other area-based conservation measures
Sustainable tourism
Sustainability indicators
Public participation
Use quantitative and qualitative methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, public participation GIS etc.
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Thomas Kvalnes
- Ornitology, birds
- Species determination birds
- Ecology
- Evolutionary biology
- Conservation biology
- Life history theory
- Demography
- Eco-evolutionary dynamics
- Population dynamics
- Population ecology
- Population genetics
- Quantitative genetics
- Statistical modeling
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
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Nina Dehnhard
- seabird ecologist with experience in the tropics, the southern hemisphere including Antarctica and in the North Atlantic
- has worked with a range of different species: boobies, tropicbirds, penguins, petrels, shags, guillemots, puffins
- fieldwork experience in partly remote and challenging environments (Christmas Island, Antarctica, Falkland/Malvinas Islands, Iceland, Norway)
- familar with a broad range of fieldwork methods:
- bird counts and population monitoring
- marking birds with metal & colour rings as well as PITs
- deployments of GPS, GLS, TDR and video cameras
- various types of data analyses and statistical modelling
- linear mixed models with random slopes and random interceps
- generalized additive mixed models
- habitat suitability modelling and predicting of suitable foraging habitat
- survival- and population-modelling
- supervisor of several Master-students
- in charge of the monitoring of plastic in fulmar stomachs for OSPAR in Norway
Show full profile of Nina Dehnhard