Research topic

Aquatic ecology

Ann Kristin Schartau

Major practical experiences cover project management concerning research and monitoring in freshwater (rivers and lakes) and in marine environments (estuarine and coastal waters). Specialization on freshwater biodiversity and water quality. Project leader for several national projects on implementation of the EC Water Framework Directive in Norway: Design of a National Monitoring Network for Reference Sites, Design of a National Network for Surveillance monitoring in freshwaters, Evaluation of methods for monitoring and assessment of freshwaters c.f. the WFD. Experience from international work on standardization of biological methods, and different aspects related to the implementation of the ECC’s Water Framework Directive.

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Morten Falkegård

Show full profile of Morten Falkegård

Jon Hamner Magerøy

I have extensive experience with research on and monitoring of freshwater mussels in Norway, Canada and the USA. Research topics include habitat requirements, genetics, human impacts and ecosystem services, among others. As a part of this work, I have also studied confirmed and potential host fish for mussels. Therefore, I have gained experience with a variety of freshwater fish, both through experiments and field work. During my Ph.D., I worked on evolutionary theories on parasites that castrate their hosts. Specifically, I worked on a bacterium that castrates water fleas (daphnia).

Through my work on freshwater mussels I have also become a member of the IUCN mollusc specialist group (Molluscs), member of the management committee for the research network CONFREMUS (, which is a COST network for freshwater mussels in Europe, and member of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society (FMCS).

Show full profile of Jon Hamner Magerøy

Ola Ugedal

Aquatic radioecology, population ecology, life history, ecological modelling, fisheries management.

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Johanna Järnegren

  • Marine biology and ecology
  • Cold-water coral ecosystems
  • Reproduction of Lophelia pertusa and other cold-water corals and bivalves
  • Antropogenic disturbances
  • Benthic marine animals
  • Habitat mapping using ROV
  • Taxonomy
  • Ocean acidification and ocean warming
  • Undersea technologies - ROV, manned submersible etc.
  • Chemosynthetic ecosystems - Cold seeps

Some key-publications
Järnegren, J., Brooke, S.& Jensen, H. 2020. Effects and recovery of larvae of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa (Desmophyllum pertusum) exposed to suspended bentonite, barite and drill cuttings. Marine Environmental Research. 158.

Osterloff, J., Nilssen, I., Järnegren, J., Van Engeland, T., Buhl-Mortensen, P.& Nattkemper, T. 2019. Computer vision enables short- and long-term analysis of Lophelia pertusa polyp behaviour and colour from an underwater observatory. Scientific Reports. 9: 1-12.

Liefmann, S., Järnegren, J., Johnsen, G.& Murray, F. 2018. Eco-physiological responses of cold-water soft corals to anthropogenic sedimentation and particle shape. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 504: 61-71.

Järnegren, J., Brooke, S.& Jensen, H. 2017. Effects of drill cuttings on larvae of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 137: 454-462.

Larsson, A., Järnegren, J., Strömberg, S., Dahl, M., Lundälv, T.& Brooke, S. 2014. Embryogenesis and larval biology of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. PLOS ONE. 9(7).

Järnegren J, & Kutti T. 2014. Lophelia pertusa in Norwegian waters. What have we learned since 2008? - NINA Report 1028. 40 pp. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), Trondheim

Brooke, S.& Järnegren, J. 2013. Reproductive periodicity of the scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa from the Trondheim Fjord, Norway. Marine Biology. 160(1): 139-153.

Elde, A., Pettersen, R., Bruheim, P., Järnegren, J.& Johnsen, G. 2012. Pigmentation and Spectral Absorbance Signatures in Deep-Water Corals from the Trondheimsfjord, Norway. Marine Drugs. 10(6): 1400-1411.

Show full profile of Johanna Järnegren

Torbjørn Forseth

Salmonid ecology and management (leader of Scientific Advisory Committee for Atlantic Salmon Management in Norway), regulated rivers, life history, evolutionary biology (thermal adaptation, character displacement) and functional biodiversity, bioenergetics, climate change, environmental pollution (radioactivity, acid rain), and research administration (two years as Research Director, two years as Assisting Research Director and one year as Research Coordinator)

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Ingeborg Palm Helland

Freshwater ecology, renewable energy, research management, research policy

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Jon Museth

Inland fish species, complex fish fauna, environmental impact assessmenst, hydropower development in rivers, mitigation and restoration measures in regulated rivers, ecological connectivity, ecological and social effects of floods and flood defences, alien species,

Show full profile of Jon Museth

Martin Arne Svenning

Hoveddelen av aktiviteten er relatert til økologi og livshistorie hos resident og anandrom laksefisk, og knyttet nært opp mot forvaltning. God felterfaring, spesielt i arktiske strøk (Svalbard, Nord-Norge og Nord-Vest Russland). Forskningsaktiviteten involverer en kombinasjon av feltinnsamling, bearbeiding i laboratorium og teoretiske/statistiske analyser.
Show full profile of Martin Arne Svenning

Thomas Correll Jensen

Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates, zooplankton, growth and respiration of zooplankton, arctic ecology, freshwater monitoring, Water Framework Directive, biological indicators, invasive species,

Show full profile of Thomas Correll Jensen

Bjørn Walseng

Senior Technician Field of work: Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates (especially crustaceans), biodiversity, conservation plans, pollution ecology, environmental monitoring, enviromental impact assessments.

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Line Elisabeth Sundt-Hansen

 Skilled in Freshwater ecology, salmonid biology, Biodiversity, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Awareness, Conservation Issues, and Marine Biology. Strong research professional with a Master's degree focused in Marine Biology and a PhD in salmonid ecology from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). 

Research on ecology, physiology and behavior of salmonids. Extensive experience in planning and executing experimental research projects in laboratory, semi-natural environments and in nature. Experience in assessing cost of rapid growth (applied and evolutionary) in salmonids and ecological risk assessment of transgenic salmon. Experience from research on salmonids in regulated rivers and effect of hydropower development. Experience from reserach on ecosystem effects of invasive non-native and native salmonids. Experience in development and use of individual based population model, IB-salmon, and statistical analyses of Atlantic salmon population data.

Show full profile of Line Elisabeth Sundt-Hansen

Tor Atle Mo

Show full profile of Tor Atle Mo

Elisabet Forsgren

  • Animal behaviour, reproduction, evolution and ecology
  • Risk assessment of alien species (fish)
  • Effects of climate change and ocean acidification
  • Experimental design
  • Aquarium experiments and field investigations in coastal marine areas
  • Project leadership
  • Student supervision and teaching
  • Quality management

Show full profile of Elisabet Forsgren

Knut Andreas Eikland

  • Macro invertebrate collection
  • Macro invertebrate taxonomy
  • Echo sounding
  • Pelagic trawling
  • Gill nets (Multimesh and series)
  • Electrofishing
  • PIT tags
  • Drift diving surveys

Show full profile of Knut Andreas Eikland

Elina Lungrin

  • Macroinvertebrate sampling
  • Macroinvertebrate taxonomy
  • Zooplankton sampling
  • Zooplanton taxonomy
  • Net fishing
  • Electro fishing

Show full profile of Elina Lungrin

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Aquatic ecology

Ann Kristin Schartau

Major practical experiences cover project management concerning research and monitoring in freshwater (rivers and lakes) and in marine environments (estuarine and coastal waters). Specialization on freshwater biodiversity and water quality. Project leader for several national projects on implementation of the EC Water Framework Directive in Norway: Design of a National Monitoring Network for Reference Sites, Design of a National Network for Surveillance monitoring in freshwaters, Evaluation of methods for monitoring and assessment of freshwaters c.f. the WFD. Experience from international work on standardization of biological methods, and different aspects related to the implementation of the ECC’s Water Framework Directive.

Show full profile of Ann Kristin Schartau

Morten Falkegård

Show full profile of Morten Falkegård

Jon Hamner Magerøy

I have extensive experience with research on and monitoring of freshwater mussels in Norway, Canada and the USA. Research topics include habitat requirements, genetics, human impacts and ecosystem services, among others. As a part of this work, I have also studied confirmed and potential host fish for mussels. Therefore, I have gained experience with a variety of freshwater fish, both through experiments and field work. During my Ph.D., I worked on evolutionary theories on parasites that castrate their hosts. Specifically, I worked on a bacterium that castrates water fleas (daphnia).

Through my work on freshwater mussels I have also become a member of the IUCN mollusc specialist group (Molluscs), member of the management committee for the research network CONFREMUS (, which is a COST network for freshwater mussels in Europe, and member of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society (FMCS).

Show full profile of Jon Hamner Magerøy

Ola Ugedal

Aquatic radioecology, population ecology, life history, ecological modelling, fisheries management.

Show full profile of Ola Ugedal

Johanna Järnegren

  • Marine biology and ecology
  • Cold-water coral ecosystems
  • Reproduction of Lophelia pertusa and other cold-water corals and bivalves
  • Antropogenic disturbances
  • Benthic marine animals
  • Habitat mapping using ROV
  • Taxonomy
  • Ocean acidification and ocean warming
  • Undersea technologies - ROV, manned submersible etc.
  • Chemosynthetic ecosystems - Cold seeps

Some key-publications
Järnegren, J., Brooke, S.& Jensen, H. 2020. Effects and recovery of larvae of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa (Desmophyllum pertusum) exposed to suspended bentonite, barite and drill cuttings. Marine Environmental Research. 158.

Osterloff, J., Nilssen, I., Järnegren, J., Van Engeland, T., Buhl-Mortensen, P.& Nattkemper, T. 2019. Computer vision enables short- and long-term analysis of Lophelia pertusa polyp behaviour and colour from an underwater observatory. Scientific Reports. 9: 1-12.

Liefmann, S., Järnegren, J., Johnsen, G.& Murray, F. 2018. Eco-physiological responses of cold-water soft corals to anthropogenic sedimentation and particle shape. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 504: 61-71.

Järnegren, J., Brooke, S.& Jensen, H. 2017. Effects of drill cuttings on larvae of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 137: 454-462.

Larsson, A., Järnegren, J., Strömberg, S., Dahl, M., Lundälv, T.& Brooke, S. 2014. Embryogenesis and larval biology of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. PLOS ONE. 9(7).

Järnegren J, & Kutti T. 2014. Lophelia pertusa in Norwegian waters. What have we learned since 2008? - NINA Report 1028. 40 pp. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), Trondheim

Brooke, S.& Järnegren, J. 2013. Reproductive periodicity of the scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa from the Trondheim Fjord, Norway. Marine Biology. 160(1): 139-153.

Elde, A., Pettersen, R., Bruheim, P., Järnegren, J.& Johnsen, G. 2012. Pigmentation and Spectral Absorbance Signatures in Deep-Water Corals from the Trondheimsfjord, Norway. Marine Drugs. 10(6): 1400-1411.

Show full profile of Johanna Järnegren

Torbjørn Forseth

Salmonid ecology and management (leader of Scientific Advisory Committee for Atlantic Salmon Management in Norway), regulated rivers, life history, evolutionary biology (thermal adaptation, character displacement) and functional biodiversity, bioenergetics, climate change, environmental pollution (radioactivity, acid rain), and research administration (two years as Research Director, two years as Assisting Research Director and one year as Research Coordinator)

Show full profile of Torbjørn Forseth

Ingeborg Palm Helland

Freshwater ecology, renewable energy, research management, research policy

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Jon Museth

Inland fish species, complex fish fauna, environmental impact assessmenst, hydropower development in rivers, mitigation and restoration measures in regulated rivers, ecological connectivity, ecological and social effects of floods and flood defences, alien species,

Show full profile of Jon Museth

Martin Arne Svenning

Hoveddelen av aktiviteten er relatert til økologi og livshistorie hos resident og anandrom laksefisk, og knyttet nært opp mot forvaltning. God felterfaring, spesielt i arktiske strøk (Svalbard, Nord-Norge og Nord-Vest Russland). Forskningsaktiviteten involverer en kombinasjon av feltinnsamling, bearbeiding i laboratorium og teoretiske/statistiske analyser.
Show full profile of Martin Arne Svenning

Thomas Correll Jensen

Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates, zooplankton, growth and respiration of zooplankton, arctic ecology, freshwater monitoring, Water Framework Directive, biological indicators, invasive species,

Show full profile of Thomas Correll Jensen

Bjørn Walseng

Senior Technician Field of work: Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates (especially crustaceans), biodiversity, conservation plans, pollution ecology, environmental monitoring, enviromental impact assessments.

Show full profile of Bjørn Walseng

Line Elisabeth Sundt-Hansen

 Skilled in Freshwater ecology, salmonid biology, Biodiversity, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Awareness, Conservation Issues, and Marine Biology. Strong research professional with a Master's degree focused in Marine Biology and a PhD in salmonid ecology from Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). 

Research on ecology, physiology and behavior of salmonids. Extensive experience in planning and executing experimental research projects in laboratory, semi-natural environments and in nature. Experience in assessing cost of rapid growth (applied and evolutionary) in salmonids and ecological risk assessment of transgenic salmon. Experience from research on salmonids in regulated rivers and effect of hydropower development. Experience from reserach on ecosystem effects of invasive non-native and native salmonids. Experience in development and use of individual based population model, IB-salmon, and statistical analyses of Atlantic salmon population data.

Show full profile of Line Elisabeth Sundt-Hansen

Tor Atle Mo

Show full profile of Tor Atle Mo

Elisabet Forsgren

  • Animal behaviour, reproduction, evolution and ecology
  • Risk assessment of alien species (fish)
  • Effects of climate change and ocean acidification
  • Experimental design
  • Aquarium experiments and field investigations in coastal marine areas
  • Project leadership
  • Student supervision and teaching
  • Quality management

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Knut Andreas Eikland

  • Macro invertebrate collection
  • Macro invertebrate taxonomy
  • Echo sounding
  • Pelagic trawling
  • Gill nets (Multimesh and series)
  • Electrofishing
  • PIT tags
  • Drift diving surveys

Show full profile of Knut Andreas Eikland

Elina Lungrin

  • Macroinvertebrate sampling
  • Macroinvertebrate taxonomy
  • Zooplankton sampling
  • Zooplanton taxonomy
  • Net fishing
  • Electro fishing

Show full profile of Elina Lungrin

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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