Dagmar Hagen
Ecosystem restoration, restoration ecology, planning, management, plant ecology, seedbank, arctic and alpine vegetation, monitoring, vegetation disturbance and recovery.
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Jon Museth
Inland fish species, complex fish fauna, environmental impact assessmenst, hydropower development in rivers, mitigation and restoration measures in regulated rivers, ecological connectivity, ecological and social effects of floods and flood defences, alien species,
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Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide
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Berit Köhler
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Marianne Evju
plant ecology, monitoring of biodiversity, nature types, demography and population dynamics, plant-herbivore interactions
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Jenni Nordén
Community ecology, ecosystem ecology, spatial ecology, fungal ecology, dispersal ecology, population dynamics, conservation biology, trait ecology, functional ecology, forest ecology, soil ecology, evolutionary biology, decomposer fungi, environmental DNA, climate change, land use change, forest management.
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Björn Nordén
I am a forest ecologist and conservation scientist, and an expert in the biodiversity of temperate deciduous forest (edelløvskog), the worlds’ most degraded biome. Since there is so little left of the temperate deciduous forest, restoration is necessary, and I have led several projects on experimental evaluation of restoration measures at various scales, from creation of microhabitats to release cutting and landscape effects.
There is a strong tendency of taxonomic bias within conservation, meaning that nearly all interest is focused on a few taxa such as large animals and vascular plants, while hyper-diverse taxa such as fungi and insects are often neglected. I therefore engage in both basic exploration of biodiversity within hyper-diverse taxa, and study the effects of habitat loss, management et c on multiple taxa, including plants, bryophytes, lichens, fungi, and various insect groups. As a trained mycologist, I have over 30 years professional experience and a long list of publications on the biodiversity, ecology, taxonomy and conservation of Ascomycota, including lichenized species. Knowledge on species identification and taxonomy of hyper-diverse taxa are essential for such studies, but highly threatened and decreasing skills worldwide. My own taxonomic expertise is within pyrenomycetoid ascomycetes, especially those associated with living trees and dead wood, and I have described several species new to science from the Nordic countries.
Starting with my PhD, I have also published several papers on dispersal ecology, effects of habitat continuity, and the use of Indicator species, especially concerning cryptogams.
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Zander Venter
Remote sensing (satellite and aerial), vegetation ecology, ecosystem services, pollution, GIS
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Anders Lyngstad
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Vebjørn Kveberg Opsanger
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Duncan John Halley
Ecology, behavioural ecology, conservation management, ecological resoration, reintroduction biology, sustainable harvesting. Feasibility studies. Project planning and implementation, both in Norway, developing countries, and the Far East
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Lars Erikstad
English: Research Geoscientist Field of work: Geoscience, land forms (geomorphology), quartenary geology, Geoheritage, landscape analysis, environmental impact assessments, aerial photography analysis, remote sensing, digital elevation models, geographic information systems (GIS).
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