Research topic


Nigel Yoccoz

Show full profile of Nigel Yoccoz

Jens Åström

Show full profile of Jens Åström

Inger Maren Rivrud

Show full profile of Inger Maren Rivrud

Brett K. Sandercock

Arctic, demography, harvest, invasive species, migratory birds, population ecology, ptarmigan, sensitive species, shorebirds, and wildlife management.

Show full profile of Brett K. Sandercock

Thomas Kvalnes

  • Ornitology, birds
  • Species determination birds
  • Ecology
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Conservation biology
  • Life history theory
  • Demography
  • Eco-evolutionary dynamics
  • Population dynamics
  • Population ecology
  • Population genetics
  • Quantitative genetics
  • Statistical modeling
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Show full profile of Thomas Kvalnes

Erlend Birkeland Nilsen

• Population dynamics • Demography • Life history theory • Trophic interactions • Predation • Harvesting • Ungulates • Carnivores • Small game • Small rodents • Statistical modeling • Biodiversity informatics

Show full profile of Erlend Birkeland Nilsen

Ola Håvard Diserud

Applied statistical modelling, multivariate analysis, interactions between aquaculture and wild salmonids, biodiversity, population and community dynamics.

Show full profile of Ola Håvard Diserud

Bård Pedersen

Show full profile of Bård Pedersen

Geir H. Bolstad

Show full profile of Geir H. Bolstad

Kari Elsa Ellingsen

The main part of my research activities is focused on biodiversity, including functional diversity. This involves the measurement and modelling of biodiversity, issues of spatial and temporal scales, drivers of change, such as, the impact of different types of human activities and climate change, as well as the impact of top predators on other ecosystem components, i.e. cumulative impacts. I am also interested in the potential for reversibility of changes. Much of the research done involves the use of large-scale and/or long-term datasets already collected in scientific surveys or environmental monitoring surveys. I have studied marine biodiversity in different parts of the world in shallow waters, on the continental shelf and in the deep-sea using data on benthos and fish assemblages, including a focus on the High North. Most of my research has been on marine ecosystems, but I am also involved in research related to other ecosystems. I am also focusing on environmental monitoring and study/sampling design. The work implies many national and international collaborations, e.g. with scientists from Europe, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia.

Show full profile of Kari Elsa Ellingsen

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The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research.

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Nigel Yoccoz

Show full profile of Nigel Yoccoz

Jens Åström

Show full profile of Jens Åström

Inger Maren Rivrud

Show full profile of Inger Maren Rivrud

Brett K. Sandercock

Arctic, demography, harvest, invasive species, migratory birds, population ecology, ptarmigan, sensitive species, shorebirds, and wildlife management.

Show full profile of Brett K. Sandercock

Thomas Kvalnes

  • Ornitology, birds
  • Species determination birds
  • Ecology
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Conservation biology
  • Life history theory
  • Demography
  • Eco-evolutionary dynamics
  • Population dynamics
  • Population ecology
  • Population genetics
  • Quantitative genetics
  • Statistical modeling
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Show full profile of Thomas Kvalnes

Erlend Birkeland Nilsen

• Population dynamics • Demography • Life history theory • Trophic interactions • Predation • Harvesting • Ungulates • Carnivores • Small game • Small rodents • Statistical modeling • Biodiversity informatics

Show full profile of Erlend Birkeland Nilsen

Ola Håvard Diserud

Applied statistical modelling, multivariate analysis, interactions between aquaculture and wild salmonids, biodiversity, population and community dynamics.

Show full profile of Ola Håvard Diserud

Bård Pedersen

Show full profile of Bård Pedersen

Geir H. Bolstad

Show full profile of Geir H. Bolstad

Kari Elsa Ellingsen

The main part of my research activities is focused on biodiversity, including functional diversity. This involves the measurement and modelling of biodiversity, issues of spatial and temporal scales, drivers of change, such as, the impact of different types of human activities and climate change, as well as the impact of top predators on other ecosystem components, i.e. cumulative impacts. I am also interested in the potential for reversibility of changes. Much of the research done involves the use of large-scale and/or long-term datasets already collected in scientific surveys or environmental monitoring surveys. I have studied marine biodiversity in different parts of the world in shallow waters, on the continental shelf and in the deep-sea using data on benthos and fish assemblages, including a focus on the High North. Most of my research has been on marine ecosystems, but I am also involved in research related to other ecosystems. I am also focusing on environmental monitoring and study/sampling design. The work implies many national and international collaborations, e.g. with scientists from Europe, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia.

Show full profile of Kari Elsa Ellingsen

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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