Research topic


Marianne Evju

plant ecology, monitoring of biodiversity, nature types, demography and population dynamics, plant-herbivore interactions

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Kristine Bakke Westergaard

Arctic-alpine and boreal botany, biosystematics, plant geography, conservation genetics and genomics, vegetation ecology, floristics. Alien species: monitoring occurrences and pathways, identification of door knockers, and risk assessments.

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Joachim Paul Töpper

Alpine ecology, Ecological condition accounting, Ecosystem types, Plant ecology, Plant Physiology, Population modelling, Bayesian modelling

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Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide

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Siri Lie Olsen

Plant ecology, population dynamics, community ecology, biotic interactions, climate change, alien species, land-use change, biodiversity, mountains, forest, semi-natural grasslands

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Jenni Nordén

Community ecology, ecosystem ecology, spatial ecology, fungal ecology, dispersal ecology, population dynamics, conservation biology, trait ecology, functional ecology, forest ecology, soil ecology, evolutionary biology, decomposer fungi, environmental DNA, climate change, land use change, forest management.

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Heidi Elin Myklebost

Vegetasjonsøkologi, vegetasjonsovervåking, naturtypekartlegging etter NiN.

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Mari Jokerud

Biodiversity, pollution ecology, climate change, cultural landscapes, mountains, mires, bogs, mosses, plants, plant ecology, vegetation ecology, vegetation monitoring, natural habitat mapping according to NiN, statistical analyses.

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Zander Venter

Remote sensing (satellite and aerial), vegetation ecology, ecosystem services, pollution, GIS

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Anders Lyngstad

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Dagmar Hagen

Ecosystem restoration, restoration ecology, planning, management, plant ecology, seedbank, arctic and alpine vegetation, monitoring, vegetation disturbance and recovery.

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Jarle Werner Bjerke

  • Research on climate effects, especially related to climate change and extreme weather events in boreal and Arctic areas;
  • Experimental studies for providing baselines for modeling og on-going and future ecosystem change due to climate change;
  • Grazing ecology, especially related to effects of reindeer and goose;
  • Anthropogenic effects, especially changes in land use (e.g. afforestation, industry, reduced outfield grazing) and air pollution, plus indirect effects via climate change, as listed above;
  • Evaluations of biological diversity
  • Taxonomy and systematics, especially on some lichen genera
  • Impact assessments prior to planned land use changes.

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Bård Pedersen

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Egil Bendiksen

Botany, mycology, forest ecology, environmental gradients in forest, species and area management, threatened and vulnerable species

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Odd Egil Stabbetorp

Research Ecologist Field of work: Vegetation ecology, botany, population ecology, population genetics, conservation biology, species and area management, agricultural landscapes, environmental impact assessments, landscape analysis, geographic information systems (GIS).

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Tor Erik Brandrud

Mycology (Taxonomy and Ecology of Mycorrhizal Fungi), Ecology of Aquatic macrophytes (Higer Plants and Mosses, including Aquatic Weeds; Effect Studies and Management), Vegetation ecology, Acidification Research, Nature conservancy and management (freshwater and terrestrial anvironments), Biodiversity

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The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research.

Projects in NINA

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 P.O. Box 5685 Torgarden,
     NO-7485 Trondheim

 Phone +47 73 80 14 00


Marianne Evju

plant ecology, monitoring of biodiversity, nature types, demography and population dynamics, plant-herbivore interactions

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Kristine Bakke Westergaard

Arctic-alpine and boreal botany, biosystematics, plant geography, conservation genetics and genomics, vegetation ecology, floristics. Alien species: monitoring occurrences and pathways, identification of door knockers, and risk assessments.

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Joachim Paul Töpper

Alpine ecology, Ecological condition accounting, Ecosystem types, Plant ecology, Plant Physiology, Population modelling, Bayesian modelling

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Magni Olsen Kyrkjeeide

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Siri Lie Olsen

Plant ecology, population dynamics, community ecology, biotic interactions, climate change, alien species, land-use change, biodiversity, mountains, forest, semi-natural grasslands

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Jenni Nordén

Community ecology, ecosystem ecology, spatial ecology, fungal ecology, dispersal ecology, population dynamics, conservation biology, trait ecology, functional ecology, forest ecology, soil ecology, evolutionary biology, decomposer fungi, environmental DNA, climate change, land use change, forest management.

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Heidi Elin Myklebost

Vegetasjonsøkologi, vegetasjonsovervåking, naturtypekartlegging etter NiN.

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Mari Jokerud

Biodiversity, pollution ecology, climate change, cultural landscapes, mountains, mires, bogs, mosses, plants, plant ecology, vegetation ecology, vegetation monitoring, natural habitat mapping according to NiN, statistical analyses.

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Zander Venter

Remote sensing (satellite and aerial), vegetation ecology, ecosystem services, pollution, GIS

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Anders Lyngstad

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Dagmar Hagen

Ecosystem restoration, restoration ecology, planning, management, plant ecology, seedbank, arctic and alpine vegetation, monitoring, vegetation disturbance and recovery.

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Jarle Werner Bjerke

  • Research on climate effects, especially related to climate change and extreme weather events in boreal and Arctic areas;
  • Experimental studies for providing baselines for modeling og on-going and future ecosystem change due to climate change;
  • Grazing ecology, especially related to effects of reindeer and goose;
  • Anthropogenic effects, especially changes in land use (e.g. afforestation, industry, reduced outfield grazing) and air pollution, plus indirect effects via climate change, as listed above;
  • Evaluations of biological diversity
  • Taxonomy and systematics, especially on some lichen genera
  • Impact assessments prior to planned land use changes.

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Bård Pedersen

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Egil Bendiksen

Botany, mycology, forest ecology, environmental gradients in forest, species and area management, threatened and vulnerable species

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Odd Egil Stabbetorp

Research Ecologist Field of work: Vegetation ecology, botany, population ecology, population genetics, conservation biology, species and area management, agricultural landscapes, environmental impact assessments, landscape analysis, geographic information systems (GIS).

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Tor Erik Brandrud

Mycology (Taxonomy and Ecology of Mycorrhizal Fungi), Ecology of Aquatic macrophytes (Higer Plants and Mosses, including Aquatic Weeds; Effect Studies and Management), Vegetation ecology, Acidification Research, Nature conservancy and management (freshwater and terrestrial anvironments), Biodiversity

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Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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