Benthic fauna
Kari Elsa Ellingsen
The main part of my research activities is focused on biodiversity, including functional diversity. This involves the measurement and modelling of biodiversity, issues of spatial and temporal scales, drivers of change, such as, the impact of different types of human activities and climate change, as well as the impact of top predators on other ecosystem components, i.e. cumulative impacts. I am also interested in the potential for reversibility of changes. Much of the research done involves the use of large-scale and/or long-term datasets already collected in scientific surveys or environmental monitoring surveys. I have studied marine biodiversity in different parts of the world in shallow waters, on the continental shelf and in the deep-sea using data on benthos and fish assemblages, including a focus on the High North. Most of my research has been on marine ecosystems, but I am also involved in research related to other ecosystems. I am also focusing on environmental monitoring and study/sampling design. The work implies many national and international collaborations, e.g. with scientists from Europe, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia.
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Morten Falkegård
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Thomas Correll Jensen
Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates, zooplankton, growth and respiration of zooplankton, arctic ecology, freshwater monitoring, Water Framework Directive, biological indicators, invasive species,
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Ann Kristin Schartau
Major practical experiences cover project management concerning research and monitoring in freshwater (rivers and lakes) and in marine environments (estuarine and coastal waters). Specialization on freshwater biodiversity and water quality. Project leader for several national projects on implementation of the EC Water Framework Directive in Norway: Design of a National Monitoring Network for Reference Sites, Design of a National Network for Surveillance monitoring in freshwaters, Evaluation of methods for monitoring and assessment of freshwaters c.f. the WFD. Experience from international work on standardization of biological methods, and different aspects related to the implementation of the ECC’s Water Framework Directive.
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Knut Andreas Eikland
- Macro invertebrate collection
- Macro invertebrate taxonomy
- Echo sounding
- Pelagic trawling
- Gill nets (Multimesh and series)
- Electrofishing
- PIT tags
- Drift diving surveys
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Elina Lungrin
- Macroinvertebrate sampling
- Macroinvertebrate taxonomy
- Zooplankton sampling
- Zooplanton taxonomy
- Net fishing
- Electro fishing
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Vebjørn Kveberg Opsanger
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Bjørn Walseng
Senior Technician Field of work: Freshwater ecology, freshwater invertebrates (especially crustaceans), biodiversity, conservation plans, pollution ecology, environmental monitoring, enviromental impact assessments.
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Morten Andre Bergan
Sjøørret og laks
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