Coast and ocean
Ingebrigt Uglem
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Per Fauchald
- Inter-disciplinary syntheses of socio-ecological systems
- Quantitative analyses of complex and large datasets
- Spatial statistical analyses
- Ecosystem modeling
- Theoretical and spatial ecology
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Svein-Håkon Lorentsen
- Research scientist focusing on seabirds and coastal seals in marine and polar environments.
- Main research topics; population ecology, demography and reproductive biology, diet, food searching behaviour, behaviour and migration using dataloggers (GPS, GLS, TDR and satelite-transmitters)
- Great experience with field work under challenging conditions (Antarctica, the Norwegian coast at all times of the year).
- Impact assessments, seabirds and offshore oil and wind development, effects of kelp harvesting and disturbance from boats on seabirds.
- Supervisor of master- and PhD-students and opponent on PhD-thesis.
- In charge of the Norwegian monitoring programme for seabirds
- Administrative experience from leadership of several projects and as assistant research director and research director.
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Johanna Järnegren
- Marine biology and ecology
- Cold-water coral ecosystems
- Reproduction of Lophelia pertusa and other cold-water corals and bivalves
- Antropogenic disturbances
- Benthic marine animals
- Habitat mapping using ROV
- Taxonomy
- Ocean acidification and ocean warming
- Undersea technologies - ROV, manned submersible etc.
- Chemosynthetic ecosystems - Cold seeps
Some key-publications
Järnegren, J., Brooke, S.& Jensen, H. 2020. Effects and recovery of larvae of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa (Desmophyllum pertusum) exposed to suspended bentonite, barite and drill cuttings. Marine Environmental Research. 158.
Osterloff, J., Nilssen, I., Järnegren, J., Van Engeland, T., Buhl-Mortensen, P.& Nattkemper, T. 2019. Computer vision enables short- and long-term analysis of Lophelia pertusa polyp behaviour and colour from an underwater observatory. Scientific Reports. 9: 1-12.
Liefmann, S., Järnegren, J., Johnsen, G.& Murray, F. 2018. Eco-physiological responses of cold-water soft corals to anthropogenic sedimentation and particle shape. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 504: 61-71.
Järnegren, J., Brooke, S.& Jensen, H. 2017. Effects of drill cuttings on larvae of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 137: 454-462.
Larsson, A., Järnegren, J., Strömberg, S., Dahl, M., Lundälv, T.& Brooke, S. 2014. Embryogenesis and larval biology of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa. PLOS ONE. 9(7).
Järnegren J, & Kutti T. 2014. Lophelia pertusa in Norwegian waters. What have we learned since 2008? - NINA Report 1028. 40 pp. Norsk institutt for naturforskning (NINA), Trondheim
Brooke, S.& Järnegren, J. 2013. Reproductive periodicity of the scleractinian coral Lophelia pertusa from the Trondheim Fjord, Norway. Marine Biology. 160(1): 139-153.
Elde, A., Pettersen, R., Bruheim, P., Järnegren, J.& Johnsen, G. 2012. Pigmentation and Spectral Absorbance Signatures in Deep-Water Corals from the Trondheimsfjord, Norway. Marine Drugs. 10(6): 1400-1411.
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Elisabet Forsgren
- Animal behaviour, reproduction, evolution and ecology
- Risk assessment of alien species (fish)
- Effects of climate change and ocean acidification
- Experimental design
- Aquarium experiments and field investigations in coastal marine areas
- Project leadership
- Student supervision and teaching
- Quality management
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Tor Fredrik Næsje
- Major practical experience in planning and carrying out research projects, in particular projects related to freshwater ecosystems and axploitation
- Many years of advisory experience to national, regional and local authorities concerning managment and utilisation of inland fish resources
- Many years of experience in consequence analysis of encroachment in reivers and lakes, in particular hydroelectric power plants
- Experience from developing countries performing feasibility studies on fisheries and hydroelectric power plants, and as advisor to authorities
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Torkild Tveraa
My main research focus is on population dynamics, demography and life history strategies. In this framework, I focus on the links between food limitation, climatic variation and predation.
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Kari Elsa Ellingsen
The main part of my research activities is focused on biodiversity, including functional diversity. This involves the measurement and modelling of biodiversity, issues of spatial and temporal scales, drivers of change, such as, the impact of different types of human activities and climate change, as well as the impact of top predators on other ecosystem components, i.e. cumulative impacts. I am also interested in the potential for reversibility of changes. Much of the research done involves the use of large-scale and/or long-term datasets already collected in scientific surveys or environmental monitoring surveys. I have studied marine biodiversity in different parts of the world in shallow waters, on the continental shelf and in the deep-sea using data on benthos and fish assemblages, including a focus on the High North. Most of my research has been on marine ecosystems, but I am also involved in research related to other ecosystems. I am also focusing on environmental monitoring and study/sampling design. The work implies many national and international collaborations, e.g. with scientists from Europe, New Zealand, Canada, and Australia.
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Sveinn Are Hanssen
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Børge Moe
Seabird ecology, arctic biology, ecotoxicology and ecophysiology. Moe is working with questions related to tracking of migration and distributions, energetics, stress, pollutants, life history and climate. Study species: kittiwake, common eider, arctic skua, long-tailed skua, glaucous gull, little auk, lesser black-backed gull, common guillemot, atlantic puffin, European shag, northern fulmar, herring gull, common gull, snow petrel, waders and some terrestrial bird species. Moe cooperates with many scientists from other national and international research institutes.
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Ann Kristin Schartau
Major practical experiences cover project management concerning research and monitoring in freshwater (rivers and lakes) and in marine environments (estuarine and coastal waters). Specialization on freshwater biodiversity and water quality. Project leader for several national projects on implementation of the EC Water Framework Directive in Norway: Design of a National Monitoring Network for Reference Sites, Design of a National Network for Surveillance monitoring in freshwaters, Evaluation of methods for monitoring and assessment of freshwaters c.f. the WFD. Experience from international work on standardization of biological methods, and different aspects related to the implementation of the ECC’s Water Framework Directive.
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Signe Christensen-Dalsgaard
- Studier av bevegelse og dykkadferd i hekkesesong
- Arealbruk og konflikter
- Kartlegging bifangst av sjøfugl
- Kartlegging og overvåking av sjøfugl
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Ingrid Solberg
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Sigrid Engen
Social justice
Protected area management
Other area-based conservation measures
Sustainable tourism
Sustainability indicators
Public participation
Use quantitative and qualitative methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, public participation GIS etc.
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Nina Dehnhard
- seabird ecologist with experience in the tropics, the southern hemisphere including Antarctica and in the North Atlantic
- has worked with a range of different species: boobies, tropicbirds, penguins, petrels, shags, guillemots, puffins
- fieldwork experience in partly remote and challenging environments (Christmas Island, Antarctica, Falkland/Malvinas Islands, Iceland, Norway)
- familar with a broad range of fieldwork methods:
- bird counts and population monitoring
- marking birds with metal & colour rings as well as PITs
- deployments of GPS, GLS, TDR and video cameras
- various types of data analyses and statistical modelling
- linear mixed models with random slopes and random interceps
- generalized additive mixed models
- habitat suitability modelling and predicting of suitable foraging habitat
- survival- and population-modelling
- supervisor of several Master-students
- in charge of the monitoring of plastic in fulmar stomachs for OSPAR in Norway
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Line Cordes
Animal movement ecology, animal population ecology, (long-term) individual-based studies, mark-recapture modelling (incl. special cases dealing with unknown sex, uncertainty in breeding state, time-varying individual covs etc), movement modelling (kernelUD, brownian bridge, T-LoCoH, HMMs, step selection), population modelling (PBR, iPCoD, matrix modelling etc).
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