Telephone: +47 413 67 140
Knowledge areas
I am working on a diversity of ecological aspects relating to birds, but my core interests are environmental and anthropogenic effects on birds, terrestrial as well as seabirds. During the last 15 years I have answered questions about how climate change and other anthropogenic factors affect bird populations and bird migration. More recently, my focus is on effects of onshore and offshore wind power development on seabirds and migratory birds of other species groups. Bird migration is one of my core interests. Due to my interest in anthropogenic effects on birds, I also work with effects of human disturbance on gulls, urbanisation effects on gulls, and nature restoration of wetlands as well as seabird breeding areas.
Key qualifications
Behavioural ecology, birds, bird migration, ecology, phenology, teaching
2007 PhD in Animal Ecology, Lund University, Sweden. The problem of partial migration – the case of the blue tit. Supervisors: Profs Thomas Alerstam and Jan-Åke Nilsson. ISBN-10 91-7105-245-3
2011 MBV 4330 Ethics for researchers conducting animal experiments, University of Oslo (UiO)
2004 Oral communication for PhD students, Lund University (two weeks)
2003 Pedagogic introductory course for PhD students, Lund University (mandatory, one week)
1996-2002 MSc in biology, Lund University, Sweden. A comparison of migrants and residents in partially migratory Blue tits Parus caeruleus with respect to parasite infection and basal metabolic rate.
1999-2000 Exchange student at University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada
2021-2024 Work package leader in NFR project MARCIS - Marine spatial planning and cumulative impacts of blue growth on seabirds
2020-2022 PI of the post-development impact assessment of Guleslettene wind farm, Vestland, Norway,
2021 PI of OSPAR status assessment of the lesser black-backed gull Larus fuscus fuscus
2021 Freshwater management plan of Nesheimsumpen nature reserve, Agder, Norway. Project participant
2020 Nature restoration plan for Gjølsjøen. Project participant
Worked in
Mar 2020- Research scientist (Forsker I) at NINA Bergen
Oct 2020 Lecturer at UiO, Animal behaviour BIOS2000
Oct 2019-Feb 2020 Lecturer at UiO, Animal behaviour BIOS2000
Feb 2019-Sep 2019 Guest researcher at CEES, UiO
Oct 2018-Feb 2019 Lecturer at UiO, Animal behaviour BIO 3081
Jan-Mar 2017 Guest researcher, hosted by Prof. Jane M. Reid, University of Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.
Sep 2013-Aug 2018 Project leader/Researcher at CEES, UiO.
May 2010-Sep 2013 Post-doctoral researcher at CEES, UiO.
Mar-Apr 2010 Researcher at CEES, UiO.
Mar 2008-Feb 2010 Post-doctoral researcher/project leader at CEES, UiO.
Sep-Oct 2007 Lecturer at Falsterbo Bird Observatory, Sweden
Apr-June 2007 Research assistant in project studying life-history evolution in tits and flycatchers, Lund University