Research topic


John Odden

Spatial and behavioural ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife conflicts, monitoring of wildlife, conservation biology.

Show full profile of John Odden

John Durrus Linnell

Ecology, behaviour, population dynamics and conservation of carnivores and wild ungulates. Conservation of species that cause conflicts with humans. Ecology – social science interdisciplinarity.

Show full profile of John Durrus Linnell

Torkild Tveraa

My main research focus is on population dynamics, demography and life history strategies. In this framework, I focus on the links between food limitation, climatic variation and predation.

Show full profile of Torkild Tveraa

Arild Magne Landa

  • Conservation biology and monitoring of large northern terrestrial carnivores and ungulates.
  • Fragmented populations and carnivore predation on livestock.
  • Captive breeding and restoration (arctic fox)/conservation efforts.
  • Interrelationships carnivores/prey.
  • Radio telemetry on mammals.
  • Fieldwork in high Arctic/Alpine ecosystems.
  • Interpretation of scientific philosophy and research results in popular media.
  • Promotion of communications within the scientific community on national and international levels.
  • Leadership and administrative skills.
  • Experience in project planning and management.
  • Good fundraising skills.

Show full profile of Arild Magne Landa

Olve Krange

Current research is on land use conflicts in a socio-economic and socio-cultural perspective, and cultural change in rural areas.
Show full profile of Olve Krange

Jenny Mattisson

Spatial and behavioural ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife conflicts

Show full profile of Jenny Mattisson

Henrik Brøseth

Show full profile of Henrik Brøseth

Øystein Flagstad

Show full profile of Øystein Flagstad

Mari Tovmo

Show full profile of Mari Tovmo

Jonas Kindberg

Show full profile of Jonas Kindberg

Ole-Gunnar Støen

Show full profile of Ole-Gunnar Støen

Craig Ryan Jackson

Show full profile of Craig Ryan Jackson

Inger Maren Rivrud

Show full profile of Inger Maren Rivrud

Alexander Kopatz

Show full profile of Alexander Kopatz

Oddmund Kleven

Show full profile of Oddmund Kleven

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The Norwegian Institute for Nature Research (NINA) is Norway’s leading institution for applied ecological research.

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     NO-7485 Trondheim

 Phone +47 73 80 14 00


John Odden

Spatial and behavioural ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife conflicts, monitoring of wildlife, conservation biology.

Show full profile of John Odden

John Durrus Linnell

Ecology, behaviour, population dynamics and conservation of carnivores and wild ungulates. Conservation of species that cause conflicts with humans. Ecology – social science interdisciplinarity.

Show full profile of John Durrus Linnell

Torkild Tveraa

My main research focus is on population dynamics, demography and life history strategies. In this framework, I focus on the links between food limitation, climatic variation and predation.

Show full profile of Torkild Tveraa

Arild Magne Landa

  • Conservation biology and monitoring of large northern terrestrial carnivores and ungulates.
  • Fragmented populations and carnivore predation on livestock.
  • Captive breeding and restoration (arctic fox)/conservation efforts.
  • Interrelationships carnivores/prey.
  • Radio telemetry on mammals.
  • Fieldwork in high Arctic/Alpine ecosystems.
  • Interpretation of scientific philosophy and research results in popular media.
  • Promotion of communications within the scientific community on national and international levels.
  • Leadership and administrative skills.
  • Experience in project planning and management.
  • Good fundraising skills.

Show full profile of Arild Magne Landa

Olve Krange

Current research is on land use conflicts in a socio-economic and socio-cultural perspective, and cultural change in rural areas.
Show full profile of Olve Krange

Jenny Mattisson

Spatial and behavioural ecology, predator-prey interactions, human-wildlife conflicts

Show full profile of Jenny Mattisson

Henrik Brøseth

Show full profile of Henrik Brøseth

Øystein Flagstad

Show full profile of Øystein Flagstad

Mari Tovmo

Show full profile of Mari Tovmo

Jonas Kindberg

Show full profile of Jonas Kindberg

Ole-Gunnar Støen

Show full profile of Ole-Gunnar Støen

Craig Ryan Jackson

Show full profile of Craig Ryan Jackson

Inger Maren Rivrud

Show full profile of Inger Maren Rivrud

Alexander Kopatz

Show full profile of Alexander Kopatz

Oddmund Kleven

Show full profile of Oddmund Kleven

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research

NINA is an independent foundation for nature research and research on the interaction between human society, natural resources and biodiversity.
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