Power lines
Frank Ole Hanssen
- Cartography, GIS and remote sensing
- Spatial modelling and analysis
- Tool development (ESRI ArcGIS Pro, ArcGIS Online/Enterprise, Google Earth Engine)
- Cloud computing (Google Earth Engine)
- Project management and counseling
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Roelof Frans May
- Conservation biology
- Spatial ecology
- Carnivore and raptor ecology
- Renewable energy and wildlife
- (Strategic) environmental impact assessments
- Ecological networks and habitat fragmentation
- Avian radar technology (MERLIN and ROBIN) and radar ornithology
- Project management and acquisition
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Bård Gunnar Stokke
Evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, conservation biology and ornithology (birds). Stokke is working on topics related to renewable energy (wind power and infrastructure like power lines), red listed species, alien species, Norwegian breeding bird census, brood parasitism, recreational activities in protected areas and adaptations in Arctic passerines
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Signe Nybø
- Project management
- Ecosystem condition and ecosystem accounting
- Ecosystem Services
- Nature Index of Norway http://www.naturindeks.no/
- Radioecology
- Restoring nature
- Sustainable development with the focus on biodiversity
- Synthesis
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Audun Ruud
- Policy and governance related to production, transmission and use of renewable energy
- Public engagement
- Corporate environmental management
- Environment and climate policy and practice
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Zander Venter
Remote sensing (satellite and aerial), vegetation ecology, ecosystem services, pollution, GIS
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